Nova Gorica and Gorizia, discovering of the historical habsburgicNice

The main part of the historical day will be on italian side. A tour begins by its imposing Castle. Founded in early medieval times, probably in the XI° century, the Castle was damaged, destroyed and restructured many times in the course of centuries.

Duration: 3 hours

Price: For two person 50,00 euros /person, for 3 person 35,00 euro/person

Two languages, two countries, but many traditions that will forever link them: Gorizia (Italy) and Nova Gorica (Slovenia) nowadays constitute a conurbation and are both beautiful and interesting.

Are you courious about stories from the border? Gorizia has a rich and unique tradition due its closeness to the border, and history of foreign occupation.


  • visit of the Castle
  • visit of the Museum about the 1st world war and about fashion. Gorizia in 18 st was very fancy place in Austrohungarian monarchy.
  • Walk throw the abbandoned historical street Rastello, which was the main commercial centre till the Slovenian independence. Now is gettin more and more on enogastronomical offer.